miguel killki
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Hey, I'm

Miguel Angel

Frontend Developer Engineer

I enjoy transforming complex problems into simple, attractive, and intuitive designs. Outside the programming field 👨‍💻, you will find me immersed in video games, enjoying gardening 🌱, or dedicating myself to sports practice 🏀.

With over 4 years of experience in web page and mobile application development using technologies such as Ionic, Flutter, and Angular. I had the privilege of being part of the creation of the 'Teacher Selection System' for Adex Datatrade, where I led the frontend development using Angular. I also participated in the development of the mobile application 'Mis Primeros Tres' for the Baltazar and Nicolás Foundation, where I was responsible for developing the entire frontend using Ionic, Angular, and Firebase. I also formed part of the team responsible for the development of the mobile application 'Alerta Vecinos' for the Municipality of Santa Maria del Mar, using Flutter and Google Maps APIs, among other technologies.


2022 — Currently...
Frontend web & mobile developer
Avanti Consultores
Responsible for developing the frontend of web and mobile platforms using technologies such as Angular, Redux, Ionic, (HTML, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS, Sass...). I have carried out projects such as:
2019 — 2021
Frontend web developer
Municialidad de S.A.
Responsible for maintaining the municipal web systems, using technologies such as PHP, Java, (HTML, Typescript, JavaScript, CSS, Sass...)


Adex Datatrade Dashboard

Adex Datatrade import statistics system, using technologies such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS to consume APIs and generate statistical charts using the Chart.js library. Thanks to these updates, the platform now offers a more intuitive and customizable user experience, and allows for deeper and more effective data analysis.

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Chart.js
  • C#

Institute Adex evaluation system

I have been responsible for the frontend in the teacher evaluation system of the Adex Institute, in which continuous evaluations and selections of teachers for the institute can be carried out. I used tools such as Angular, Angular Material and Redux to develop an efficient and easy-to-use platform for users. Thanks to these technologies, the platform now offers a smoother and more personalized user experience.

  • Angular
  • Redux
  • TypeScript
  • SASS

Payment gateway, Adex Datatrade

In this project, I had the role of Frontend developer, in charge of integrating and consuming the APIs necessary for the correct functioning of the Adex payment gateway system with Niubiz. In addition, I have been responsible for implementing the relevant validations to ensure the security of transactions and the reliability of the system.

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • C#

Pregnancy monitoring (Mobile application)

I have had the opportunity to develop a mobile application for the Baltazar and Nicolás Foundation using technologies such as Ionic, Angular, and Firebase. Through this application, pregnant women can keep a detailed record of their health and that of their baby, including recording medical appointments, laboratory tests, symptoms, and other relevant factors.

  • Ionic
  • Angular
  • TypeScript
  • Firebase
  • SASS

Sigo (Mobile application)

I am pleased to have been part of the development team of this application dedicated to hiring services and selling products. During this project, I used advanced technologies such as Ionic, Google Maps, Angular, Sass, and Paypal, thus contributing to the creation of an efficient and complete platform.

  • Angular
  • Ionic
  • TypeScript
  • Firebase
  • Google Maps

WordPress Theme Development, Lazo de Ayuda Foundation

As part of this project, I had the opportunity to design and develop a custom theme for WordPress for the Lazo de Ayuda Foundation. During this experience, I implemented key technologies such as PHP, Vite, Sass, and Tailwind, thus contributing to the improvement and modernization of the organization's website.

  • PHP
  • Javascript
  • SASS
  • Vite
  • Tailwind

